
Monday 30 June 2014

Summer Intern at Label PR

Here I find myself again, wondering where the time has gone and wishing I had found the time to post this blog sooner. But it's better late than never... 

(I have always been told how important it is to blog regularly when interning - I am yet to understand why as I highly doubt people want to know the very ins and out of every job I am faced with - but I thought a little insight every now and then is OK.) 

Two weeks ago today I began a summer internship at Label PR - a fashion, beauty and lifestyle PR company. With their office based in Manchester, I have had to relocate for my time there - I say relocate, however I will be commuting home every weekend. (I have become pretty accustomed to living out of a suitcase over the past few years, it has become somewhat of a normal routine to me) Luckily I have been able to arrange to stay with friends, something I am hugely grateful for, and will at least have company in the evenings. My first two weeks have flown by and I feel I have settled into the job really well. The idea of working in PR has always appealed to me however I myself, along with numerous others around me, have never fully understood the job role. So it's been very refreshing to work in a successful company and witness first hand how it all works and what it all means. It's definitely something I can see myself entering into permanently in the future.    

One thing I have learnt is how important comfort is when interning, and by comfort I mean my car and my Birks. Running errands is often tiring, especially when in a big city (don't get me wrong, when running errands means you have to go to Harvey Nics to buy new products, I will run errands all day everyday) but it's SO important to have comfy shoes and a car to go back to. I will not make the same mistake again of wearing heels OR turning simple 20 minute car journeys into tedious hours of pain by walking to and from buses. 

That aside, it is already apparent to me that the experience and knowledge I will gain during my internship at Label is essential to my future and will hopefully be the first of many!

Friday 13 June 2014

Home Sweet Home

Culottes - Zara
Crop Top - H&M
Sunglasses - Primark
Sandals - Topshop 

After months of not knowing, we finally have a new family home. I for one have a mixture of emotions about the new chapter in our lives. I'm sad to see memories left behind, anxious as to whether I will be able to feel 'at home' in our new house but yet equally excited for something different - and it certainly is something different. (PLUS I now have some new places to take pictures for my blog!!)

So whilst I was standing about, watching people come and go and waiting for things to get done, I thought I would utilise my time and blog. I find it so easy to dress when the weather is nice, you don't have to worry about layering up or whether jackets and coats are going to get in the way. As you can tell I'm making the most of wearing my culottes at the moment (as they are almost impossible to wear with a coat). I love everything about them, from the colour to the fit, and as featured in a previous post I loved them that much I bought them in white. I always team these culottes with black as I think it compliments the colour perfectly.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Little Black Day Dress

Dress - Cos 
Hat - Topshop 
Sandals - Topshop 

In between these miserable rainy days, the sun occasionally makes an appearance and when it does it's nice to wear something other than trousers for once! Again, for this outfit I did a little borrowing from my sister - she's quite resourceful lately. (However, when she dares to borrow anything of mine all hell brakes loose - of course). This black dress from Cos is a perfect staple piece that can be worn for so many different occasions. The added features of the zip, pleats and belt creates luxurious detail making it stand out from your average black dress. After wearing them with pretty much everything this past week; Birkenstock's are my new favourite shoe. I found these ones from Topshop looked a little more delicate than the real ones and are a little bit cheaper!

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